New Directions Classics

New Directions Classics

Begun in 1981 under the title, Revived Modern Classics, New Directions Classics carries on the ground-breaking work of the New Directions Press, reissuing a diverse range of classic novels, short story collections, and works of nonfiction.

62: A Model Kit, Julio Cortazar
The Accompanist, Nina Berberova
All Souls, Javier Marias
Aller Retour New York, Henry Miller
Anna Édes, Dezsõ Kosztolányi
At Heaven’s Gate, Robert Penn Warren
An Autobiographical Novel, Kenneth Rexroth
The Bachelors, Muriel Spark
The Ballad of Peckham Rye, Muriel Spark
A Barbarian in Asia, Henri Michaux
The Blue Flowers, Raymond Queneau
Bread in the Wilderness: Discussion of the Psalms, Thomas Merton
Classics Revisited, Kenneth Rexroth
The Comforters, Muriel Spark
Conversations in Sicily, Elio Vittorini
Cortes and Montezuma, Maurice Collis
Cronopios and Famas, Julio Cortazar
Da Vinci’s Bicycle, Guy Davenport
The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, William Saroyan
Death of a Man, Kay Boyle
Dreamers, Knut Hamsun
Efraim’s Book, Alfred Andersch
Elephant’s Nest in a Rhubarb Tree & Other Stories, H.E. Bates
Except the Lord, Joyce Cary
A Far Cry from Kensington, Muriel Spark
Fifty Stories, Kay Boyle
Foreign Mud, Maurice Collis
Futility, William Gerhardie
The German Lesson, Siegfried Lenz
The Girls of Slender Means, Muriel Spark
A House of Children, Joyce Cary
The Illustrious House of Ramires, Eça de Queiros
The Land of the Great Image, Maurice Collis
Laughter in the Dark, Vladimir Nabokov
Levin’s Mill, Johannes Bobrowski
The Life Before Us (“Madame Rosa”), Emile Ajar (pseudonym of Romain Gary)
Life Being the Best & Other Stories, Kay Boyle
The Life of Monsier de Moliere, Mikhail Bulgakov
Loitering with Intent, Muriel Spark
The Man with the Heart in the Highlands, William Saroyan
Memento Mori, Muriel Spark
The Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer, Kenneth Patchen
Mister Johnson, Joyce Cary
A Month by the Lake & Other Stories, H.E. Bates
More Classics Revisited, Kenneth Rexroth
Not Honour More, Joyce Cary
Nothing to Pay, Caradoc Evans
Novel on Yellow Paper, Stevie Smith
On the Edge of Reason, Miroslav Krleza
One Moonlit Night, Caradog Prichard
Pack My Bag, Henry Green
A Party for the Girls, H.E. Bates
Poor White, Sherwood Anderson
The Princess of Cleves, Madame de Lafayette
Prisoner of Grace, Joyce Cary
Promise at Dawn: A Memoir, Romain Gary
The Public Image, Muriel Spark
The Rain Came Last & Other Stories, Niccolo Tucci
Robinson, Muriel Spark
The Sacred Fount, Henry James
The Samurai, Shusako Endo
The Sea and the Poison, Shusako Endo
She Was a Queen, Maurice Collis
The Shooting Gallery, Yuko Tsushima
Stained Glass Elegies, Shusako Endo
The Tattered Cloak, Nina Berberova
Three Italian Chronicles (The Cenci, The Abbess of Castro, Vanina,
Three More Novels (Vainglory, Inclinations, Caprice), Ronald Firbank
Vanini), Stendhal
The Yellow Sofa, Eça de Queiros

1 thought on “New Directions Classics”

  1. i like new directions. this is a nice list. i’d like to know how you compiled it.
    ?thanks! matt.

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