In Time Bites, a 2004 collection of book reviews and essays — her first published collection of criticism — Doris Lessing discusses a good number of neglected books: by my count,easily a third of the titles covered qualify.
A list of these books and excerpts from her comments can now be found at the following new Sources page:
Lessing has often been a champion for lesser-known writers and their works. If one were to cull through the rest of Lessing’s criticism, I’m sure several dozen more titles could be collected.
Hi, Thank you so much, your site is wonderful and interesting. Thanks, again.
What an interesting website! I’m glad I found it. A wonderful idea to highlight “neglected” books. I am certain to find many to add to my ever-growing TBR! I recently bought Lessing’s book at the used bookstore. I need to read through it and see what gems I can find.