Imani, a “Jamaican lost in Canada”, and a bunch of other Blogspot bloggers have joined together to issue “a reading challenge for all interested in exploring authors who were kicked out of the “in” crowd”. “The idea behind this challenge”, states the site, “is to give some needed attention to authors who have fallen by the way side.”
Their Rules and Requirements are simple:
- The challenge will last for six months and end on February 29th 2008.
- During that time you may choose to read however many books by however many authors you like.
- For reviews or any author-related information or musings you think would be interesting, please submit it to the blog as well as to your own, if you like.
- With each post you add the relevant tags/labels such as the author’s name (“Dawn Powell”), whether it’s fiction or poetry, a review or a news item (“news”), perhaps a quote from a good essay you found on one of the writers you’d like to share (“essay”) and so on.
The list of outmoded authors is posted on the right side of the blog, linking to sites or pages with information about each. It includes such well-known, but certainly less-read, authors as Walter Scott, Somerset Maugham, and John Galsworthy — and such truly little-known and largely unread writers as Alfred Chester and the Catalan novelist Mercè Rodoreda.
I encourage all fans of neglected books and authors to participate — as the site says, “Owning a blog isn’t required.”